The Team

We're a diverse team, dispersed globally, but held together by our shared passion for radically transforming global retail and improving artisans' livelihoods.

Jaron Soh

Founder | Mission Chief

Jaron started Artisan & Fox after a chance meeting with artisans in the Himalayas, in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake. He leads business development and partnerships, forging relationships with artisans from Afghanistan to Kenya. Lover of anthropology + philosophy.

Zee Soh

Operations Whiz

Zee possesses a keen understanding of all things e-commerce. As our logistical wizard, she keeps costs lean and mean, so we can pass on more of your $$$ to our artisans. She lives for beautiful sights, the arts, and mindfully appreciates the finer things in life.

Rebecca Hughes

Content Manager

Having studied Human Rights, Rebecca is passionate about brands that advocate for sustainability and artisan empowerment. She writes blog posts and web content for Artisan & Fox in addition to organising partnerships and events in London.

Judith Sarra

Creative Marketing Analyst

Judith is passionate for research and marketing in new, creative, and authentic ways. On a journey of self-discovery, Judith looks into all things digital and champions our voices. She loves cooking one-pot meals, and devouring it at one go shortly after.
